Pokedex : Coloring gallery of Pokemons pictures 1 to 18

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Pokemons are Pocket Monsters. In the game, the player is a Pokemon Trainers.
The Pokemon Trainers trains, fights and collects the Pokemons by using a Poke Ball. Each Pokemon is specific.

coloring picture of bulbasaur
Bulbasaur (Pokemon 1)

coloring picture of ivysaur
Ivysaur (Pokemon 2)

coloring picture of venusaur
Venusaur (Pokemon 3)

coloring picture of charmander
Charmander (Pokemon 4)

coloring picture of charmeleon
Charmeleon (Poke 5)

coloring picture of charizard
Charizard (Pokemon 6)

coloring picture of squirtle
Squirtle (Pokemon 7)

coloring picture of carabaffe
Carabaffe (Pokemon 8)

coloring picture of blastoise
Blastoise (Pokemon 9)

coloring picture of chenipan
Chenipan (Pokemon 10)

coloring picture of chrysacier
Chrysacier (Poke 11)

coloring picture of butterfree
Butterfree (Pokemon 12)

coloring picture of aspicot
Aspicot (Pokemon 13)

coloring picture of coconfort
Coconfort (Pokemon 14)

coloring picture of dardagnan
Dardagnan (Pokemon 15)

coloring picture of pidgey
Bidgey (Pokemon 16)

coloring picture of pidgeotto
Pidgeotto (Pokemon 17)

coloring picture of roucarnage
Roucarnage (Pokemon 18)

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