Coloring gallery of Ice Age pictures

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Ice Age is a computer-animated film.
All characters are prehistoric animals. The animals can talk to and understand each other. For the voices the production use some celebrity actors.

coloring picture of Diego smilodon
Diego smilodon
coloring picture of Manfred mammoth
Manfred mammoth
coloring picture of Manny
coloring picture of Scrat saber toothed squirrel
Scrat saber toothed squirrel
coloring picture of Scrat with an acorn
Scrat with an acorn
coloring picture of Sid ground sloth
Sid ground sloth
coloring picture of Sid try to swim
Sid try to swim
coloring picture of ice age picture
ice age picture
coloring picture of ice age
ice age
coloring picture of picture ice age
picture ice age

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