Coloring gallery of Tigger pictures

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Tigger is a tiger character from the animated series Winnie the Pooh, he was introduced in 1968.
One of this friends is Winnie. He is always cheerful and loves to leap everywhere.

coloring picture of Tigger and birds
Tigger and birds
coloring picture of Tigger eats honey
Tigger eats honey
coloring picture of Tigger in snow
Tigger in snow
coloring picture of Tigger in tree
Tigger in tree
coloring picture of Tigger is gardener
Tigger is gardener
coloring picture of Tigger jumps
Tigger jumps
coloring picture of Tigger makes a hug with Winnie the Pooh
Tigger makes a hug with Winnie the Pooh
coloring picture of Tigger plays tennis
Tigger plays tennis
coloring picture of Tigger with gifts
Tigger with gifts
coloring picture of Tigger

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