Coloring pictures gallery of Pokemons 55 to 72

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Pokemons are Pocket Monsters. Pokedex: Pokemon number 55 to 72.
Print the coloring pictures of the pokemons : golduck, mankey, primeape, growlithe, arcanine, poliwag, poliwhirl, poliwrath, abra, kadabra, alakazam, machop, machoke, machamp, bellsprout, weepinbell, tentacool.

coloring picture of Golduck pokemon 55
Golduck (Pokemon 55)

coloring picture of Mankey pokemon 56
Mankey (Pokemon 56)

coloring picture of Primeape pokemon 57
Primeape (Pokemon 57)

coloring picture of Growlithe pokemon 58
Growlithe (Pokemon 58)

coloring picture of Arcanine pokemon 59
Arcanine (Pokemon 59)

coloring picture of poliwag pokemon 60
Poliwag (Pokemon 60)

coloring picture of Poliwhirl pokemon 61
Poliwhirl (Pokemon 61)

coloring picture of Poliwrath pokemon 62
Poliwrath (Pokemon 62)

coloring picture of Abra pokemon 63
Abra (Pokemon 63)

coloring picture of Kadabra pokemon 64
Kadabra (Pokemon 64)

coloring picture of Alakazam pokemon 65
Alakazam (Pokemon 65)

coloring picture of Machop pokemon 66
Machop (Pokemon 66)

coloring picture of Machoke pokemon 67
Machoke (Pokemon 67)

coloring picture of Machamp pokemon 68
Machamp (Pokemon 68)

coloring picture of Bellsprout pokemon 69
Bellsprout (Pokemon 69)

coloring picture of Weepinbell pokemon 70
Weepinbell (Pokemon 70)

coloring picture of Victreebel pokemon 71
Victreebel (Pokemon 71)

coloring picture of Tentacool pokemon 72
Tentacool (Pokemon 72)

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